Lee Island Coast Area Resources

This page on Florida Nature Guide is dedicated to providing links to additional resources which our research has found to be beneficial to those seeking outdoor adventures in the Lee Island Coast area of Florida.  Please be sure to return frequently for the latest updates since our research on this coastal area is on going and new links will be added for your outdoor adventure enjoyment.

Explore Florida’s Lee Island Coast with the links provided here:

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1. An excellent resource for outdoor activities thoughout much of the Lee Island Coastal areas is the Beaches of Fort Myers / Sanibel website. A wealth of relatively ad free links for not only these beaches, but the surounding area are available through this site. You can check them out at this link: Beaches of Fort Myers / Sanibel
2. The online Beach Guide of Fort Myers / Sanibel beaches is a great resource availble from the website above. The guide can also be viewed directly from this link:  Beach Guide for Fort Myers / Sanibel
3. Those individuals seeking paddling opportunities in the Lee Island Coast area should make a point of checking out the Calusa Blueway website.  
4. Visitors to the Fort Myers area seeking fishing opportunities should check out the Catch 22 Fishing Charters. Lots of good information on their site to build your angling adventure.  

Make the most of your visit to the Lee Island Coast area by exploring some of the additional tools and guides available for the area.  Our top picks for this great Florida coastal getaway are featured below and available from Amazon.  You can turn the carousel by clicking on the directional buttons and view additional information about the books, guides and maps featured.


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