Amelia Island is one of the southernmost of the Sea Islands; a chain of barrier islands that stretches along the east coast from South Carolina to Florida.   This island located northeast of Jacksonville enjoys both the southern charm associated with Georgia along with the more laid back Florida lifestyle.   The island is only 13 miles long and about 4 miles wide.  Fort Clinch State Park encircles the north end of the island and Amelia Island State Park claims the south.

This park which is a short drive from Jacksonville is located 8 miles south of Fernandina Beach; just across the George Crady Bridge north of the Talbot Islands.  Visitors to this undeveloped and natural beach setting will find numerous opportunities to explore some of the Florida shoreline and ecosystems not only in the surf, but along inland marshes and maritime forests as well.  Naturalists and birdwatchers will find a wide variety or our local feathered residents including  black skimmers, egrets, herons, piping plovers, terns and brown pelicans to name a few.

The character of beaches in the First Coast section of Florida does not include the gentle surf with white sand of the Northwest Panhandle Gulf coastline, but rather; significant surf along with beautiful (though less white) sand consisting largely of coquina and crushed shells.

For more on this and other parks which collectively comprise Talbot Islands State Parks, explore the pages dedicated to each here on Florida Nature Guide, or follow these links:  Pumpkin Hill Creek Preserve State Park, Amelia Island State Park, Little Talbot Island State Park, Fort George Island Cultural State Park, Yellow Bluff Fort Historic State Park and George Crady Bridge Fishing Pier State Park.

amelia-island Amelia Island State Park

State Road A1A, North, Jacksonville, FL

(904) 251-2320

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