Nokomis for Beach Hunters
Nokomis Beach….love love love this beach!!! I am a beach hunter…I collect all kinds of treasures from all the different beaches I go to. I rarely ever come home empty handed from a walk on the beach. Nokomis beach is my sharks tooth heaven! I usually come home with around 40-60 sharks teeth a day, and that’s awesome! You need to get to the beach basically before the sun comes up if you want to find the best teeth. The beach does get busy as the day progresses. If you are willing to take a long walk on the beach, head north (or left for those who, like me, don’t know which way we’re going) to where the houses are. Since there are very few people out this far, your selection of beach treasures will be greater. I swear sometimes I am amazed at how much I can find in a very small area. Love it!
Obviously I am a sharks tooth collector, but there are other wonderful aspects to this beach. The water is beautiful and calm. Wonderful to just float in, swim in & play in. Sometimes you will pick up a beautiful shell in the water, but be careful, sometimes a creature is still living in there. Just put it back, there will be lots more to choose from.
Now that I have talked about this beach, I am ready to go pack my bags and go back…right now!!! Oh by the way, there is lot’s of good places to eat around here too….have fun!!
This photo isn’t one of mine, but is a good example of some of the treasures to be found here.
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